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ADDLED...Tongue-tied or confused: Them's purely addled when hasta speak.
AIMING...Planning to do, maybe: Ahhs aiming to fix that step, cum first rainy day.
ALL FIRED: Very: She's all fired het up..
A NEED'N SHEWS....Formal event: I'd gone cept a need'n shoes to come.
AFIXIN...Getting ready: Ize afixin to go uptown way
AHANKERN....Wanting after or needing: Ize ahankern fer house corn.
AIR...there: Right purt dog ya got air./there are: Air sartin all uns caint cum.
A-PARE...Seems nothing down-ear, allus up-air.
BIGGETY...Cocky or show-off:
BULL FROG WALLOW....Flooded farm field
BIDDABLE...Tractable, manageable worker: Hank's biddable, drunk or sober
CANDLES TIME...Twilight: Come candles he's aready hugg'n feathers.
CAINT....Cannot or often will not. Ah caint cum wiz yuz all.
CHIMBLY....Chimney: atAir chimbly got sartfied fahr, cummn twixt the brick.
CLUM...Climb or climbed: A'fore he clum tha hill
COMING UP A CLOUD...Getting ready to rain or storm.
CORN FED....Pampered or spoiled: He wuz corn fed and never sweated.
COUNTRY MILE....Any long distance:
CUB TRYING TO BE A BEAR...Rushing adulthood, presuming to be ready:
CUZZIN....Everyone who haint a stranger.
DIRTY UP...Get dirty: Ah feered you'd dirty up afore church.
DOINS...A social function or gathering. Ah mussed th doins, afore she wuz sartfied smart. (before she graduated)
DRINKN POND WATER...Thirsty: I be drinking pond water soon.
D'RECKLY....To the point: Brother Peters dreckly sez Hell is filln up
EATN COBS....Starving, no food: They's poor and eatn cobs.
EAT'N HIGH ON THE HOG... Eating fancy or good:
EGG'N ON....Nagging or urging action:
EVER...Always: He wuz ever egg'n me on.
EVERWHICHWAY...In all directions at once or in a confused state:
FALL'N OUT...A lasting disagreement. As opposed to "ticked me"
FAVORS...Resembles or looks like:
FEISTY.... Contrary or argumentative: Well haint you feisty?
FETCHN'S ...What you brought:
FIRST LIGHT....Dawn or daybreak:
FIXEN...Preparing: Ize fixen to get ticked to you.
FRET....To worry:
GANDER TORDS ..Take a look at:
GET GONE...Take off: I'd better get gone.
GET ABOUT...Function or move around: Too sweated to get about.
GIVE OUT....Exhausted: I be plumb give out.
GOLLY'D....Commiserated together or expressed surprise: We golly'd ore his
skalla waggin afore he cum.
GULLY WARSHER...Hard rain, a sartfied frog strangler
HAINT...n. A scary or haunted place.
HAINT...v. I have not: I haint askeered.
HANKERIN...A desire or want: Ize hankering fir iced water
HALOOD... Hollered loudly: Sow belly sizzled, and Mammy halood
HISN...Taint mine, its:
HET UP...Angry or upset:
HOLLER...A valley big enough to holler over:
HOUSE CORN...Sweet corn, as opposed to field corn:
HUGGING FEATHERS...In bed, asleep:
KEERED...Cured/also Liked: Nary keered for tootn' o'r a fiddle.
KISS'N FROGS...Girls flirting: She skeedaddled offen town, kissn frogs.
LEFT'M SNUFFING HEEL DUST: Ran off, hurriedly: They's had guns, ah left'm snuffing my heel dust.
MONDAY HOLY....Hypocrisy:
MOTHER WIT...Common sense: He's a lack'n mother wit.
MOUNTAIN OYSTERS....roasted pig testicles: Bellyfull of mountain oysters and hush puppies.
NARY...None or never:
NEKKID...Nude: Nekkid as a plucked hen/rooster (what fits)
NO ACCOUNT....Worthless:
NOODL'N...Catching caved catfish by hand:
NOWD...Knew: He nowd the words but fergits their mean'n.
PARTS....Neighborhood: What parts you from, cuzzin?
PEAKED...Sick or sometimes, nervous:
PECKERED...Pregnant or big family: She peckered young and nary quit.
PEEL'N SPUDS...Married: Tother day he wuz agaggling and noodling and now he's a-peel'n spuds.
PIDDL'N....Insignificant or less than deserved:
POKE....Paper bag:
PRIT NEAR....Almost, (pretty near done):
PURELY....Totally, without dissent:
RIGHT...Accenuated or Very: His wife's right purt, his'n young air clock stoppn ugly
ROASTNERS....Ears of corn for Roasting.
SARTFIED...For certain or authentic: Now airs a sartfied
SCRAGGLY TAILS....Need haircut: took my scraggly tails to town
SEED....Past tense of saw:
SHED...Took off or got rid of.
SKEERED SHEETLESS....Really scared!: He's skeered sheetless
SKEEDADDLED....Beat it: Mammy sooey'd yet the pigs skeedaddled.
SHUCKING CORN....Getting things done: They's a talking but I wuz shucking corn.
SIMPLES...Befuddled or puzzled: Yer letter set me simples.
SMARTS...Hurts: It be broke, it shore smarts.
SOMMERS...Somewhere: She's a hid'n here sommers.
SPELL...Undefined period of time: Haint rained, nary a drap, since cum Sattiday
SQUEEZINS...Likker from pressings. Ya bury a jug in corn silage, fer great corn squeezins.
SMIDGIN...The tiniest amount added: Ye draps in a smidgin of
SWEATED...Worked hard. I sweated munts fir thot heap o'wheels..
SOOOEYED: Hallooed loud, for pigs:
TAINT: Food not fit to eat or drink.
TIT SQUISHER...Dairyman, or someone keeping a cow:
TICKED ME...Made me angried.
TECHED....Crazy or mentally unstable:
TOTHER DAY.... Not today: I seed him tother day
USN'S... We:
WEEZ....We gathered here: Weez about to eat, keer to sop a plate?
YALL...You all
YONDER...Over there:
YOUS or YUZ...All of you: I be jin'n yuz air.
Please send me some of yours...bosacker@aol.com